Monday, May 12, 2008

Reframing The Picture

As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings,.... so the Lord alone led (Jacob). Deuteronomy 32: 11- 12

For 3 months I had a ringside seat or should I say a bird's-eye view of God's amazing handiwork. ninety feet above the floor of Norfolk Botanical Garden, workers installed a web cam focused on the nest of a family of bald eagles, and online viewers were allowed to watch.

When the eggs hatched, Mama and Papa Eagle were attentive to their off-spring, taking turns hunting for food and guarding the nest. But one day when the eaglets still looked like fuzz-balls with beaks, both parents disappeared. I worried that harm had come to them.

My concern was unfounded. The web cam operator enlarged the camera angle, and there was Mama Eagle perched on a nearby branch.

As I pondered this "reframed" picture, I thought of times when I have feared that God had abandoned me. The view in the forest heights of Virginia reminded me that my vision is limited. I see only a small part of the entire scene.

Moses used eagle imagery to describe God. As eagles carry their young, God carries His people (Deut. 32:11-12). Despite how it may seem, God "is not far from each one of us" (Acts 17:27). This is true even when we feel abandoned....... Julie Ackerman Link

Under His wings I am safely abiding;
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him .... I know He will keep me;
He has redeemed me and I am His child...... Cushing

Because the Lord is watching over us, we don't have to fear the dangers around us.