Friday, May 23, 2008

Can't control!

There has lot of words to say, lot of things to show,
lot of thought to share, but that become just a dream.
My mind is dying with something, somewhere, somehow and some....
I lost my hope, my dream, and everything that I had.
Who am I going to blame,
What am I going to do,
Where could I find my escape,
Help me, help me, help me.....

Lot of questions came out of my mind,
But there has no single answer for it.
God seems so silent in this time,
What do I do;
You know that I can't be by myself;
Need Your help in my life and all that questions.
Don't ignore me , please.
Let me escape from my dream.
Let me escape from my dreams
And let me escape from my dreams...... Lashiothu


ဆိုးသြမ္း said...

i can u feel :)