Thursday, June 19, 2008

Loving Others As Yourself

Love your neighbor as yourself ….” (Luke 10:27 NIV)

The Bible teaches that you should take deliberate action toward loving your neighbor – in the same way you want to be loved by your neighbor.

Yet God knows this is an impossible assignment unless you have his Spirit working within you, guiding and transforming you. It’s hard enough to love yourself, let along the contrary neighbor down the street (my polite Southern way of saying disagreeable).

You will be empowered to love your neighbor as you allow God to empower you – as you trust and obey (“for there’s no other way”!) God’s leading in your life, as you purposefully give your whole being – heart, soul, mind, strength – to God.

This brings you daily to the door of dependence upon God, a threshold you step through acknowledging that you need him to work through you. In doing this, you’re able to draw upon God’s strength and love. He becomes the power – the infinite love – within you to love others as yourself.

His love working within you transforms you from being self-centered to being supernaturally other-centered. Being other-centered frees you to love without expecting anything in return. It empowers you to love others, knowing they may not want or appreciate your love.

They may waste your love; they may discount your love; they may react angrily to your love; they may never understand your love. Yet your other-centered love demonstrates the depth and breadth of God’s love for us: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NIV)

So what?

· Affirm your faith – No doubt there are parts of your life where you already place others before yourself. They may be simple matters, yet they represent a step toward other-centeredness. Thank God that you’ve come this far, and receive his affirmation for your faith.

· Step forward in faith – Ask God to show you the self-centeredness in your heart, and ask him to transform that spot into an epicenter of other-centeredness. Ask God to show you the specific steps you should take to bring your beliefs about loving others into alignment with the way you actually love others.

· Pay the price to love others – It's one thing to say other people are valuable; it's another to pay the price of your time, your energy, your resources, your finances, and your vacation days to translate those words into action. Ask God to show you one person he wants you to start loving in a supernaturally other-centered way – and then do it.

· Question to consider: What small step is God suggesting you take today that will help you move from self-centered living to other-centered living?......By Jon Walker